Donna Morris

Donna Morris's Fundraiser

Help support Webster House with its mission to Build Children's Futures! image

Help support Webster House with its mission to Build Children's Futures!

They have a delicious way to help...

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$1,007 towards $1,000

I am fundraising to support children living at The Webster House!

"Webster House? What's The Webster House?" I'm glad you asked!

The Webster House is a non-profit children's home located in Manchester, NH. It provides a place to stay for children (ages 8-18) who are unable to live at home for some period of time. In addition to a safe and secure physical location, The Webster House provides opportunities for counseling, education, and activities. Their programs are focused on improving the lives of the children who reside there, and their families, by providing structure, direction, kindness, and the commitment of caring adults.

These are good kids who come from difficult situations. They need supportive environments such as the Webster House to assist them to become successful young adults. Learn more about the Webster House on their website or on their Facebook page.

Will you help The Webster House by purchasing some Van Otis goodies between April 1-23rd?

It's as easy as 1,2,3 to order!

1. SHOP the images/deals below of the Van Otis goodies available.
2. EMAIL ME at with the items in your order! I will fill out ONE order form with everyone’s items and submit it to Webster House.
3. SUBMIT PAYMENT (after emailing me) using the DONATE button.
4. When the order comes in, (MAY 7th) I’ll head up to Manchester and grab everything to distribute locally.
5. NOTE! Payments I receive WITHOUT an email order will be considered a monetary donation...those are great too!

Feel free to email me as well - if you need help or have questions.

Don't want chocolate? Good news - you can still help!

Yup, as I mentioned cash is still king. Monetary donations are WELCOMED/ENCOURAGED/DESIRED. They will go a long way to helping me meet my goal for Webster House.

YOU can make a real difference in a child's life TODAY by making a chocolate purchase OR making a monetary donation!

